Wednesday, January 2, 2013



I so SO EXCITED for the NEW YEAR and for NEW BEGINNINGS!   I am THANKFUL to be here to celebrate with FAMILY and FRIENDS!  I am THANKFUL to have survived 2012 after two rounds of chemo, radiation and two surgeries.  I feel like I have conquered like a CHAMP and I am ready to start anew in a lot of aspects of my life.

We had a WONDERFUL Holiday Season.  We had our Christmas Party the 22nd of December - My daughter Kamie and her husband Mike flew in from Dayton, Ohio on the 21st and stayed for a week.  Kelsi and her husband John left the 23rd for Mexico for a week - taking CHARLOTTE with them!!  Our party was at Kelsi and John's home in Lehi and it was wonderful.  All four of our grandchildren were there and had a great time playing with each other!  Simone is 9, Lukas 7, Stella 4 and Charlotte is 9 months tomorrow.  These babies are such a JOY in my life - focusing on them and being here for their futures - helped my fight in my battle with cancer - the day-to-day AWFUL AWFUL parts!  These babies are truly LIGHTS in my life and I am GRATEFUL!!

We were happy to welcome in the NEW YEAR!  We recalled the events of the past year with laughing, smiles and many tears.  How grateful to be here to celebrate and to look forward to MANY MORE!   2012 was the most trying year we have spent in the 37 we have been together.  We are truly looking forward to this new year of 2013 with many hopes, dreams and chances to CATCH UP!!

I was visited by a friend a week or so before Christmas.  She stayed for almost two hours and we talked about MANY things.  She asked me what the most important thing I would say I learned through my experiences of the past year.  One of the things I learned is that we are NOT ALONE!  We are not alone in our journey here on this earth life!  There are MANY people looking out for us - working hard in our behalf - both on this earth and beyond the veil.  I have felt their presence and I could NEVER deny my experiences.  I am GRATEFUL!

We went to the mall on Saturday the 29th.  I had not been to the mall in over a year.  I was like a little kid in a candy store.  I was so amazed that we hadn't been there and Kerm had to remind me that I couldln't even walk to the door, let alone make it back and forth down the hallways!  My cancer year seems like a bad dream and I cannot even believe it truly happened to me!  It is like having a baby!  Most people do it over and over again - FORGETTING the bad parts and being thankful for the greatness!  For awhile there, after my second round of chemo and my second surgery my hair was a little thinner and my eyelashes were almost all gone!  They are back as long as ever now and my hair is back to normal. I can truly say that I am 100%!  I will be eternally GRATEFUL for more time on this earth to spend doing the things I want and need to do!

I am ready to start back in my ACN Business.  ACN was a great endeavor, not only for me but for my entire family.  It was a business that I truly excelled at and I am looking starting back up and working HARD!   ACN was the reason we were able to build our beautiful cabin at Sundance.  I cannot wait to get involved and help others reach their dreams and aspirations!  It is truly fulfilling to me and I cannot wait! 

I am THANKFUL for my FAMILY.  I am THANKFUL for my FRIENDS and for those new friends who have been so incredibly supportive to me this past year.  I honestly do not think I would have been able to make it through as well as I did without the love and support from NUMEROUS people!  A BIG THANK YOU to all of YOU - All who have helped or encouraged me in any way - the notes, the cards, the food, or simply just the kind thoughts!

I am going to continue to update my blog and keep focused with positive thoughts, helping others along the way.  I can truly say I  am EXCITED for the first time in a LONG TIME!  I am looking forward to living life to the fullest!


"And He will raise you up on eagle's wings, bear you on the breath of dawn, make you to shine like the sun, and hold you in the palm of His Hand".  

I can honestly say to you that I have been held in the palm of His hand!  I have felt His presence and that of those beyond the veil.  I have been ministered to by ANGELS - on this earth and from beyond!  I am filled with GRATITUDE!  We are NOT ALONE!



  1. Love you, dear....the kids are so cute! Hi to the big ones too! xox

  2. Bobbi,
    What wonderful news!
    Thanks again for your trademark cake!
