Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Second Round....

I MOWED the front lawn today!  Big deal you say?   Yes - it is a BIG DEAL!  I have waited PATIENTLY to have the ENERGY to be able to mow.  I tried last week and I was too weak!  Mowing is my therapy.   My MIND feels like a MILLION BUCKS!!  Ha!  My body feels pretty darn good too!!  I am THANKFUL.  I am GRATEFUL.  It is a BLESSING to have a lawn to mow!!  The front usually takes me a half hour.  Today I had to stop halfway for just a LITTLE rest and to be honest - my CALENDAR isn't  what one would consider FULL!!  I have all the time in the world!!  I am bound and determined to not let this CANCER thing KICK me!  I definitely KICKED BUTT today!!

I laid awake Saturday evening until well after midnight. I was overjoyed when my phone showed the change from June 30th to July 1st! I made it through June! The days were agonizingly LONG! I have never been one to wish the time away - always working hard and taking advantage of the beauty of each new day. Funny how perspective changes when you are merely trying to survive! Don't get me wrong. I roll out of my water bed each morning come H E L L or high-water.  And honestly - it is a ROLL!!  I get dressed and apply makeup. Some days just doing that requires a small rest back on the bed!   By the way.... I make the bed the minute I get up for the FIRST time... Lest anyone thinks me lazy! HA!

The second round of chemo was Monday June 25th.  After hearing the horror stories from my first treatment with the BAD medicine - the doctor decided not to use that particular medicine in the COCKTAIL!  I didn't even have to BEG!   You sit there for 2-3 hours while some of the STUFF infuses into the port.  Then they give you the trusty fanny pack with the pump to continue pumping the STUFF into your poor, broken down body until Wednesday.  I did OK.  It causes nausea and all the joints that I had trouble with the first time - ached like crazy.  Wednesday when they took it off the overwhelming feeling of fatigue and nausea hits.  I was pretty good by the weekend.  My right hand who happens to be one of my best friends, is still messed up from the first time.  I go again Monday the 9th.  I hope to be able to just continue like last time.  I don't want the BAD STUFF!!

It was a beautiful week this week.  The moon was beautiful.  The 4th of July is  my all time favorite HOLIDAY!   It is a great time when MOST of my family members, siblings, their children, etc. gather for the festivities.  A FRISCHKNECHT FAMILY tradition is staying overnight on the parade route on July 3rd.  This year was no different.  We have our FAVORITE spot and several of the nieces and nephews save the SPOT and the rest of us get there in the morning. Honestly - I don't care about the parade.  It is all the other stuff that continues the TRADITION!!  So THANKFUL!    Kerm and I were out there until about midnight and came home.  I cannot tell you how many times I have slept (there is NO sleep )out there.  I have made a promise that next year I will lead the sleepover!  After that we had about 60 people for the PICNIC at our house.  We are close and our house is the place for the July party!  So much fun, great food and such GREAT people.  I love them ALL!! 

My brother Kurt Frischknecht passed away June 22, 2002.  This was the ten year anniversary. I cannot believe how FAST the time has gone  and how much I miss him.  I can hear his voice in my head.  He had a FAVORITE name for me - ever since he was little.  Each time he would call I was greeted with that name!   His wife Cheryl remarried a couple of years later.  She was left with four small children and she married RIC MCCUTCHEON!  How I love that Man!  He is MY BROTHER and I love him to pieces!  He came to the marriage with his two sons - Chase and Chance who lived with him.  Together they created a blended family - the likes of which I have NEVER seen.  I pay tribute to both Cheryl and Ricky!  I love them so much and they come and continue the traditions!  I love that family!

To be honest I had a little let down after everyone left Thursday.  I had looked so forward to this week and now I just have to keep finding things to look forward to so the time passes quickly.  The last weekend in July is ALWAYS the FRISCHKNECHT FAMILY REUNION at FERRON RESERVOIR!  This is my dad's family.  He had five siblings - he still has two living brothers - their children and grandchildren and now great grandchildren.  That is next on my agenda and I look forward to that.  I WILL be camping with a motorhome - I decided a few years ago NO MORE tents for ME!  Now for SURE - NO MORE TENTS!  We will take the grandkids and enjoy time on the lake, four wheelers and FAMILY!  By the way - those of you who are not planning on going - CHANGE YOUR MINDS and get there!!!!!

My perspective regarding LIFE has changed.  When we were coming home Tuesday evening at midnight from the SPOT - we turned from University Avenue in Provo up to 800 North in Orem.  A truck had gone around the corner too fast and lost his load - a P IANO!  It was smashed to pieces!  We drove slowly past and my heart went out to those folks.  I wanted to turn around and talk to them - to let them know that the piano was just a THING!  Of course it would be devastating to lose your piano but in the scheme of things - it is just a THING!   It is the people and relationships that really matter.  I have learned so much for which I am eternally GRATEFUL!

THANK YOU for your prayers in my behalf of ME and my FAMILY.  We still need them!  We have had many challenges which we are slowly overcoming.  I believe in PRAYER and I KNOW they WORK!  I FEEL it!

When you Doubt the Lovely Silence of a Quiet Wooded Place,
When you Doubt the Path of Silver of Some Moonlit Water Space,
When you Doubt the Winds a Blowing,
Flash of Lightening, Glistening Rain, Sun or Starlit Heavens Above You,
On the Land or Bounding Main.
When you Doubt the Sleep of Loved Ones Deep Beneath some Precious Sod,
Listen to a Soft Voice Saying - "BE STILL - and KNOW that I am GOD"