Thursday, May 31, 2012


This is the Memorial Day Week!  I have been overcome with emotion as I thought of ALL the people I need to pay tribute to!  I am so THANKFUL to live in this country - where we enjoy many freedoms!  I am THANKFUL to those who have fought and continue to fight in this never ending quest for freedom!  My dad, Neil C. Frischknecht fought in World War II as did  many of my uncles.  My dad was an officer in the Navy serving on the USS Chester.  I am THANKFUL for the COURAGE the men and women display each and every day as they serve this GREAT country.  My belief is that our country is in great danger of losing some of those freedoms! We ALL need to work hard to select good leaders - leaders who will take us on the pathways we need to be on to ensure those freedoms we DESERVE!   GOD BLESS AMERICA!  GOD BLESS US ALL!!

I was released from the Huntsman Cancer Hospital on Wednesday May 16th.  I came home and immediately started doing the things I am normally accustomed to doing.  It was plain and simply TOO MUCH!  We went to dinner Saturday the 19th and I flippantly stated that "it's hard to keep a good girl down".  It IS hard to keep a good girl down BUT....  A good girl should KNOW when too much is too much!!  Probably the hardest thing EVER is having to rest a lot and watch others MOW MY LAWNS!!  It is such a great therapeutic release for me to work in the yard and for years and years, other than spraying the fruit trees, fixing sprinklers and some help with weeding - I have done the yard work!  I have not yet planted my flowers but it is still wonderful sitting in the beautiful yard!  I LOVE IT!

I am doing a lot better.  Each day there is improvement.  I am slowly gaining back my strength and stamina.  I continue to lose weight as it is hard to keep nourishment in my body.  I go down about a half pound a DAY!  HA - this is a weight loss program I WOULD NOT recommend.  I am adjusting to all the NEW things and feel like I have a grip on my life!  I saw Dr. Sklow for my two week follow up last Thursday and he does not want to see me until I am finished with the new round of chemo in the fall.  It will then be time to reconnect everything and get this PORT out of my chest!  I CANNOT wait!  It is going to be a long summer.  I see Dr. Bott on Friday June 8th.  I am assuming I will start chemo Monday June 11th.  My friend who is going through the same course I will be undergoing says it is a great WEIGHT LOSS program.  She has a lot of nausea and finds it difficult to find anything that sounds good to eat!  I am hopeful that I can take enough antinausea medicine to keep myself going!  As with my last round of chemotherapy, this type of treatment may thin the hair - I won't lose it!

There are so many people to pay TRIBUTE to this week.  It is hard to know where to start.  First and foremost, I am THANKFUL and BLESSED to have a great family!  I love them so much!  I cannot begin to express my LOVE and APPRECIATION for their SUPPORT.  My Brothers and Sisters have stayed in touch with me and have been concerned for my welfare.  This has been such a hard thing to go through.  I am trying to do it with grace and dignity but it is still very HARD!  It was during the past week that I really felt like a CANCER PATIENT!  UGH!  When I saw Dr. Sklow last week however, he said my disease is 100% curable and that if I do the last bit of chemo I should live a great life!  I WILL heed his advice!  He is the EXPERT - and I LOVE him!

I am THANKFUL for my husband.  He has been by my side through this whole NIGHTMARE!  I cannot begin to imagine going through something like this alone.  If you or someone you know is ever alone in this battle please let me know.  I will BE THERE for anyone who needs me.  I am thankful for my children.  My girls have been so amazing.  I am brought to tears just thinking about how supportive they have been to me.  I love them so much.  Kamie and Mike flew out again over the weekend so I was able to see her two times in two weeks.  Kelsi and John AND Charlotte had us all to dinner while Kamie was here.   Makes a mama's heart feel so GREAT!  My oldest son Kasey had a cornea transplant during this time and spent a few nights at our home while he was recovering.  One night there we sat - Kerm who had a headache, Kasey with a transplanted cornea and a sore eye and ME - getting over surgery.  Kasey said it reminded him of a MASH episode! 

I pay TRIBUTE to Beckie Davis.  I have known her for many years and though we live in the same homes, we have been in and out of same wards at different times.  How GRATEFUL am I that she is currently in my ward.  She is am amazing, positive, brilliant lady who has helped me SO MUCH!  She is a wound care nurse at Utah Valley Hospital.  She has come over to help me SEVERAL times when I have been stuck and for that I am eternally grateful!  I know she is there for me and I am humbled by her help to me!  She is truly an ANGEL on earth who is in my life and who I NEED!!!  There are OTHER ANGELS to whom I pay tribute.  You know who you are!  I LOVE YOU!

I am THANKFUL for FRIENDS who have been so incredibly supportive to me.  Friends from all over the world.  The notes and messages mean so much to me.  I am THANKFUL for those who have brought in food and have offered such great support to us.  Every little act of kindness means so much.  THANK YOU!

I pay TRIBUTE to Haley and Chase McCormick.  Haley is the oldest daughter of my brother Kurt Frischknecht who died tragically ten years ago in a horrific car accident.  I miss him so much!  I can still hear his voice in my head calling my name! When he passed away he left his wife and four small children behind - Haley being the oldest, sister Daryn, brother Blake and brother Kade.  Kade turned 3 the day after his daddy passed away.  Haley and Chase have been married two years and have been the residents of our basement apartment.  They are AMAZING young leaders who have touched the lives of MANY!  Haley has been here with me through many hard times during the past 2 1/2 years.  I can honestly say she has been my right hand LADY!  She is wise FAR beyond her years and together they are simply an AMAZING couple.  She graduated from BYU a year ago and Chase is now completing his work at UVU.  They will be MOVING ON very soon and I will miss them GREATLY!   During the past two weeks they have been HUGELY supportive and loving to me.  Kerm and Kasey had to leave for Penn State for several days after I was released from the hospital.  I was comforted by the mere presence of this great couple!  I LOVE them and will serve them for the rest of my life! 

I would urge EVERYONE to NEVER take life for granted!  Life is precious - Life is great - If anyone is struggling please contact me.  I will help you in any way possible!  Take every precaution to maintain good health!  Get your CHECK UPS!  They SAVE lives!  I am THANKFUL that my STRENGTH is returning.  I pray for STRENGTH.  We all have our ups and downs and each and everyone of us has our STRUGGLES!   Struggles are stepping stones - learning experiences that get us closer to our ultimate goal of one day returning to our GOD!  I pray for STRENGTH!!

Please continue to pray for me.  I am still recovering and it will take some time.  I still get shots in my stomach every day which is SICK!  I HATE shots!  Especially in my stomach!!  I need all the prayers I can get in my behalf.  I am THANKFUL for the prayers and support in my behalf.  Please pray for my family!  Keep my  name on the prayer rolls.  I FEEL the support.  I know it works!

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:   "The Really HAPPY Person is the One Who Can Enjoy The Scenery When He HAS To Take A Detour!"!  I have had to take a DETOUR on my life path.  I am HAPPY though because I KNOW that I will soon be back on track.  STAY HAPPY!   LOVE AND HUGS TO ALL!


  1. Wow! you are definitely in my prayers continuously!!! What a blessing friends and family are huh? Also, what a great reminder of how precious our lives are and to not take them for granted like you said. You are definitely being watched over by a loving Heavenly Father and it sounds promising that you'll pull through this. Keep hanging in there like you are and have been doing!! I would love to come visit you sometime if that's ok :) Love ya, steph

  2. Dear Sweet Bobby Jo: I pay tribute to you for your amazing faith and perspective and perserverance! I am touched and humbled by your writings and sharing of this experience and I pray each day for your continued and complete recovery. I know we haven't seen each other for many years but you are as striking, beautiful and bold as I recall and I know that you are being held up by the tender mercies of a loving, kind and gracious Heavenly Father. God Bless You and Kerm and may these summer months pass sweetly and swiftly on your behalf!


  3. Dearest Bobby--Thank you for you. You continue to inspire all of us. And I continue to pray for you!
    Much love, Becky Knudsen
